Here are the answers to some questions we are regularly asked:
Are all those kids yours?
Yes, all the kids in the picture below are ours. Susan had all of them naturally and we have one set of twins.
Do you know what causes that?
For sure 😊
Do you have a TV?
Yes, we do. Although we try to limit overall screen time and push the kids to play outside or games together vs sit in front of a screen all the time.
Are you Catholic or Mormon?
No, my (Matthew) parents are Baptist with my dad being a Pastor. I am the oldest of 9 children. Susan’s parents are missionaries to Costa Rica. She grew up there and speaks Spanish as well as English. Susan is the third in a family with five children.
Did you plan on having a big family?

We both agreed early on that we wanted a large family. Although, neither one of us thought we would have this many. We enjoy having a large family even though it requires more work and a lot of planning for scheduling and school.
Do you homeschool?
Yes. Although we, ourselves, were both in a private school for a couple years we mainly were homeschooled. With our children, we have decided to homeschool. We have plenty of social interaction with family and through our church, where we are really involved in ministries and outreach.
How do you make it?
God has been very good to us. Matthew’s work in technology enables him to work from home with some travel. His job enables Susan to stay home and together we work to teach and raise the children. Many times we take a trip together and when Matthew needs to travel. We love camping. By staying faithful to the Lord, He has blessed us financially more than we have ever thought possible.

We are thankful you noticed us, and we hope we were a good testimony of a large family, children that are well behaved and most importantly than anything is that we reflected each of our own personal relationship with God to you. If you don’t have a personal relationship with Him, the Bible tells us that you can have one. Jesus Christ came to earth so you can have a personal relationship with God and know for sure if something were to happen to you and you were to die that you would spend eternity with Him in heaven.